

2022/3: DMON Screenings

аĿª½± Jeudis 2022/3

DMON Screenings

аĿª½± is delighted to host a series of screenings to coincide with the launch of the Decadence, Magick, and Occult Network (DMON) at the Decadence Research Centre at Goldsmiths.

Introduced by Jessica Gossling and Alice Condé

Thursday 30 March 2023, RHB Cinema, 18.30 - 20.00


In a continuation of our dive into decadent cinema, the second of our screenings will Luchino Visconti’s sumptuous and haunting adaptation of Thomas Mann’s classic novella, Death in Venice (Der Tod in Venedig, 1912).

This screening will be preceded by an introduction by Alice Condé and Jessica Gossling.

Alice Condé and Jessica Gossling are founding members of аĿª½± and Deputy Editors of . They lecture in the English and Creative Writing Department at Goldsmiths and are researchers in the . Alongside their other projects, they are currently working on a collection of essays on the decadent body.

Tickets are FREE, but booking is required.


Edmund Elias Merhige’s Begotten (1989)

Introduced by Madeline Le Despencer

Thursday 3 November 2022, RHB Cinema, 18.30 - 20.00


The first of these screenings will be Edmund Elias Merhige’s experimental silent horror Begotten (1989), a deeply macabre and visually relentless ‘ritual captured on film’ (Mark Paterson). This film is not for the faint of heart and viewer discretion is advised.

This screening will be preceded by a special introduction by cult-movie collector, visual artist, and author, Madeline Le Despencer.

Madeline Le Despencer is a visual artist, educator, and independent researcher whose focus is on fin de siècle conceptions of diabolism and heretical movements within Catholicism. She has written on decadence and the occult for Three Hands Press, Hadean Press, as well as various online journals. Her research on Berthe de Courrière was featured in the journal Cercle des Amateurs de Remy de Gourmont. She is currently writing a biography of Abbe Boullan for Three Hands Press.


Goldsmiths is located in New Cross, South East London.

It is a short walk from both New Cross Gate and New Cross stations (Zone 2) on the main rail network and London overground; about a 7 minute journey from London Bridge and 30 minutes from London Victoria. It is on bus routes 21, 36, 53, 136, 171, 172, 177, 225, 321, 343, 436, 453.

The screening will be in the cinema in the Richard Hoggart Building. A map can be found .

For exact directions to Goldsmiths please see the  page on the Goldsmiths website.

For more information about these screenings, please email drc@gold.ac.uk.